Asteroid 2024 MK: A Skyscraper-Sized Space Rock to Zoom Between Earth and Moon this Saturday!

 Asteroid 2024 MK to Soar Between Earth and Moon on Saturday

This Saturday, June 29, prepare for a celestial spectacle as the massive asteroid 2024 MK flies past Earth. Discovered just two weeks ago by astronomers in South Africa, this asteroid is more giant than the Great Pyramid of Giza, measuring around 480 feet (146 meters) across. At its closest approach, it will be approximately 184,000 miles (295,000 kilometers) from our planet, about three-quarters the distance to the moon.

The potentially hazardous asteroid 2024 MK will sail between Earth and the moon on Saturday. (Image credit: JUAN GARTNER via Getty Images)

Exciting Details:

  • Speed: The asteroid will be traveling at a staggering speed of 21,000 mph (34,000 km/h).
  • No Threat: While it poses no danger to Earth, NASA classifies 2024 MK as a "potentially hazardous asteroid" due to its size and orbit.
  • Future Return: After this close encounter, 2024 MK will return to the asteroid belt and won't return until 2037.

ESA breaks down the 2024 MK close approach. (Image credit: ESA)

Asteroid enthusiasts can grab their telescopes to spot this fast-moving space rock, especially those in the Southern Hemisphere, where it will be more visible. Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness a piece of the cosmos so close to home!

By:- Ranjan
#Asteroid2024MK #SpaceEvent #NASA #CelestialSpectacle #AstronomyLovers #AsteroidFlyby #SpaceWatch #AsteroidSpotting


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